Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Biological Entrepreneurs- Countries

I haven't researched a specific person. But I learned that many countries invested as entrepreneurs in biological weapons. Mainly in WWII, lots of nations like Germany, UK, and US developed many weapons. Japan invested in the study to make some plagues. They experimented on Koreans and Chinese with infected bugs and not gas. Also, Nazis used many inmates in concentration camps. Lots of people and countires invested lots of money in biological weapons in history and also to fight bioterrorism. The Cold War sped up the technology and power of the biochemical nuke and also nuclear weapons at the same time. But since the 1972 Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention, the developement, production, and build-up of weapons was banned. But only a few could be kept for peaceful research. And in 1991 Iraq admitted of making concentrated botulinum toxin for military weapons. "Weapons of Mass Destruction".
So throughout the recent political history within the few decades, many countires has spend billions studying and making powerful biological weapons.

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