Sunday, April 27, 2008

Biological Entrepreneurs- Funded Stanford

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A while back in 2000, Standford was funded 5.3 million for a interdisciplinary project. Many things were happening for them. They had their scientists and enginerrs work together. They used technology and thinking to find out many things about the cell. One example is - "major objective is to develop new instrumentation capable of analyzing the extremely complex world of cell division and growth"

"Another objective of the DARPA project, says McAdams, is to develop new technologies capable of rapidly analyzing the function of thousands of genes simultaneously. Researchers will use robotic microinjection, high-speed automated microscopy and other innovative techniques that McAdams predicts "could completely change the way biological research is done."

That was in the year 2000 but it helps us today tofurther investigate cells and life itself.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Biological Entrepreneurs- Countries

I haven't researched a specific person. But I learned that many countries invested as entrepreneurs in biological weapons. Mainly in WWII, lots of nations like Germany, UK, and US developed many weapons. Japan invested in the study to make some plagues. They experimented on Koreans and Chinese with infected bugs and not gas. Also, Nazis used many inmates in concentration camps. Lots of people and countires invested lots of money in biological weapons in history and also to fight bioterrorism. The Cold War sped up the technology and power of the biochemical nuke and also nuclear weapons at the same time. But since the 1972 Biological and Toxic Weapons Convention, the developement, production, and build-up of weapons was banned. But only a few could be kept for peaceful research. And in 1991 Iraq admitted of making concentrated botulinum toxin for military weapons. "Weapons of Mass Destruction".
So throughout the recent political history within the few decades, many countires has spend billions studying and making powerful biological weapons.

Thursday, April 17, 2008


<-- picture of an eye<-- link to information about the eye...
So Dr. Pamela Fong came over Mr. Olson's bio class today. She showed us how the eye is an amazing thing. I learned that light-haired people have light eyes and usually a blue iris. Young people have this white thing and old people are far-sighted.
And I also learned, while stabbing at a sheep eye, that the eye is very complex. It has many interesting things inside it, like the gooey gel.
Today is Sunday, I just got my new glasses because im very near-sighted and my vision sucks. But now i can see perfectly fine compared mith my 5-year-old glasses which i got while in the 6th grade. outdated