Sunday, May 11, 2008

BioEntrepreneurial Idea Blog Post

i dont have a picture or link to my idea because it doesnt exsist.. but ill try to explain it-

its basically a miniature computerized submarine. So small that it fits in the body and destroys bacteria or anything harmful in the body. It shoots like... lasers or pointy projectiles... cant really explain.

to me it would be great- destroying harmful things in the body, but it would be a very expensive thing. but a downside would be that some rich athletes could destroy steroids in their urine or some other misuse of this idea.

the hardest part probably in my idea is making something smaller then cappilaries but that can destroy cells and things. Also having it not hurt anything benefitial to the body

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Biological Breakthrough- Alligators

It has been discovered and is currently being researched, that alligator blood has the abiity to help cure anti-biotic resistant infections. It was first found, when alligators suffer from territorial fights, that even with open wounds- they dont get infected or show and synthoms.
"We're very excited about the potential of these alligator blood proteins as both antibacterial and antifungal agents," said study co-author Dr. Mark Merchant, a biochemist at McNeese State University in Lake Charles, La, who hit up on the idea of studying alligator blood after noticing the creatures have a remarkable ability to resist infection, despite living in swamp water teeming with bacteria and often losing limbs in territorial tussles."
The breaking discovery can lead to curs for many things: E. Coli, Salmonella, food poisoning, MSRA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), etc. Their immune system is strong enough that they dont need to be exposed to a weakened pathogen. Hopefully in the future and right now, lots of entrepenurs will invest in this study and help find useful products.