Monday, December 10, 2007

Blogg 3

Scientists now have a very strong theory to why there is a flu seson in winter.

This researched shows virus being spread and active in cold, low humidity climate. Scientists used guinea pigs as test subjects changing the air around them and experimenting-

The virus was transmitted best at a low humidity, 20 percent, and not transmitted at all when the humidity reached 80 percent.
The animals also released viruses nearly two days longer at 41 degrees than at a typical room temperature of 68 degrees.
To me this helps because if people dress warmer and keep their houses warmer, catching a flu is less likely to happen...

A picture of a flu virus, also called influenza:,GWYA:2006-18,GWYA:en%26sa%3DX

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Biology Blog #2

new orange worm and black jellyfish discovered and sea cucumber.
new bizzare and intresting stuff found.

The most striking creature found was a spiny orange-colored worm that had 10 tentacles like a squid, Madin said. "We don't know what it is ... it might be something new," he said.

This shows that there are still some more suprises about our world that are still undiscovered. Many things may still pop up and maybe these new animals can be helpful to mankind like produce special medicines or anything liek that.

EDITED* 11-13-07.... Can't find where the website is anymore but managed to find pictures---

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


yeaaa.. tuesdayy... art n wine fair... yeeep

Friday, August 31, 2007


These past weeks we did a snail lab, Microscope, and Biology Stuff.... jsut gotta say snails dont like vineger... and microscope lab was confusing... and i beat science battleships

Friday, August 24, 2007


Biology Class 5th Period.
Today we have to make this blogger. Really don't see myself using this in the future. I barly even myspace. Just typing for credit on this assignment.

That's my day.